Friday, November 27, 2009

What's the deal with double beaded hair combs from Africa?

You see these combs being worn by ladies around the shopping centre.  You see ladies at evening functions sporting African Butterfly combs with the most stunning beadwork.  You see people at work wearing the combs.  You see combs whereever you go nowadays.

Seeing the combs being worn is just one aspect - the other is the variety of styles, beadwork and sizes of the combs.  There are regular size (approximately 10cm on the spine) with thin teeth and the regular size with thick teeth for ladies with thicker hair.

Then you find the Chameleon combs which are approximately 7cm on the spine in various brands.  These are great for ladies with finer hair or an alternative for ladies with thicker hair to do the half up style.  Kids are loving these.

The Ladybug combs are tiny at 4cm on the spine.  More and more people are buying these in pairs (special price of $25 for 2) for little girls as young as five.

Any way you look at it, African Butterfly combs are here to stay and looking at the way the business has grown over the last two years the sky is the limit!

Why don't you pop into the shop and read up on the combs now -

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